Helping our Afghan Allies
Providing Legal Services
As our Afghan allies flee their homes, Welcome South is working alongside World Relief Memphis to ensure that arriving Afghan families have the legal services they need to build safe, stable futures in our community.
Unlike refugees whose cases have been approved before they come to the US, arriving Afghans had to leave their country so quickly that they did not have the opportunity to go through the application process. Now that they are here, the law firms of Welcome South will help them to make their cases to U.S. immigration authorities.
Our Work Ahead
The immigration system is complicated, and the particular situation that brought them here is extraordinary. Arriving Afghans will require legal services just to be able to live stable and productive lives in our community, without fear of being returned to a country where they would now be unsafe. Afghans arriving through the Afghan Placement and Assistance (APA) Program may be eligible for free legal services through Welcome South. We will work to help Afghans maintain lawful status in the United States, to keep work authorizations current, to file applications for asylum, and to file applications for lawful permanent residence.
Providing Holistic Support
To welcome our Afghan allies into the community, we will be working in coordination with World Relief Memphis to ensure that our newest neighbors will have all of the resources they need to thrive in their new home. Your support of World Relief Memphis will help families in the areas of housing, food, clothing, transportation, English, school and healthcare navigation, and job placements.
When you give today, you join us in bringing hope, healing, and restoration to our new neighbors in Memphis.