Become a donor to the Community Legal Center today!
Consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us help those in need. Your support will help people facing all kinds of legal trouble – children seeking asylum, single moms dealing with unscrupulous landlords, elderly people facing financial exploitation – all need our help. Your dollars will make a difference!
Donate Online
Your one time or monthly donation will help others access justice and change their lives for the better.
Donate by Check
Checks can be made out to Community Legal Center and mailed to our office, located at 80 Monroe Avenue, Suite 415, Memphis, TN 38103.
Matching Gifts
You may be able to double or even triple the impact of your gift to Community Legal Center by making a matching gift. In addition, some companies will match gifts made by retired employees and/or employee spouses.
Check with your firm’s or company’s human resources department to determine if your company has a matching gift program. The human resources department will also be able to provide you with a matching gift form. Once you have completed the form, please send it via email to our Director of Development.
Kroger Rewards
In addition to making a monetary donation to Community Legal Center, you can also support us when you shop at Kroger. Visit the Kroger website and follow the instructions to link your card to Community Legal Center.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are age 70½ or older, use your traditional IRA as a simple way to reduce your tax liability and make your charitable gifts. Contact your tax advisor for additional information.
Donor-Advised Fund
You can make a significant impact with a donor-advised fund. Recommend a gift to Community Legal Center through your existing DAF.
Stock Gifts
You can support Community Legal Center by donating stock. Please contact Executive Director Diana Comes, to learn more.
Planned Giving
Leave a legacy of justice. You can do this by making a bequest in your estate plan to Community Legal Center. Your bequest will ensure that we remain a critical resource in the community and continue to provide vital legal help for low-to-moderate-income families and individuals who experience a civil legal problem involving necessities of life like housing, health care, safety, and income. For more information on how to leave part of your estate to Community Legal Center, please contact our Director of Development.
Combined Federal Campaign
If you are a federal employee, you can support the Community Legal Center by giving via the largest workplace giving campaign in the world. Visit the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) website to designate a tax-advantaged portion of your paycheck to the Community Legal Center using CFC Code #43293.
Important Information
Our legal name is “Community Legal Center.”
Our address is 80 Monroe Avenue, Suite 415, TN 38103.
Community Legal Center is an IRS-recognized non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status.
Our Tax ID number (EIN) is 62-1558575.
Our Director of Development is Austin Brown. He can be reached at 901-543-3395 (ext. 597) or by sending a message.
Our Interim Executive Director is Betsy Prendergast. She can be contacted at 901-543-3395 or by sending a message.