AWA + CLC Celebration

Join us for a cocktail reception celebrating 25 years of the Community Legal Center and Association for Women Attorneys working together to impact our community. Flight Restaurant Loft June 27, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Suggested $25 donation to the CLC


Know Your Rights Workshops

Free and open to the public! Come and learn more about your basic rights and responsibilities in the US legal system, including housing issues, financial scams, and family matters from Community Legal Center attorneys. Multiple locations and times in the community! July 9th at 6pm at Latino Memphis July 18th at 10am at Asha's Refuge […]


Know Your Rights Workshops

Free and open to the public! Come and learn more about your basic rights and responsibilities in the US legal system, including housing issues, financial scams, and family matters from Community Legal Center attorneys. Multiple locations and times in the community! July 9th at 6pm at Latino Memphis July 18th at 10am at Asha's Refuge […]


Q&A With the CLC

Have you ever wondered if you have to pay your landlord if your air conditioning isn't working? What should you do if you have been given notice of eviction? Join us Thursday, August 1st, at 3pm here on Facebook to have questions like these answered and any more you may have. A CLC attorney and […]

Expedited Removal Prepardedness Workshop

On July 23, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security expanded its use of expedited removal to any undocumented immigrant present anywhere in the U.S. who cannot prove to the satisfaction of an immigration officer that the person has been physically present in the U.S. for the two year period immediately preceding the encounter. Previously, the […]


CLC’s Silver Celebration

On Tuesday, November 19th, Memphis will come together to celebrate 25 years of the Community Legal Center working to insure justice for those in need. In a memorable evening at the Crosstown Theater, we will host a seated dinner by Chef Kelly English's Iris while listening to the sounds of the Mighty Souls Brass Band. […]


CLC Estate Planning CLE

The Do's and Don'ts of Wills and Powers of Attorney, and How to Correct Them An Estate Planning CLE Presenter - Judge Kathleen Gomes Benefiting the Community Legal Center Wednesday, November 20th 3:00-4:00pm Burch, Porter & Johnson 1 General Hour Credit $25 - pay by card or check in person at event


Immigration Relief 101

A CLE SUPPORTING THE CLC Immigration Relief 101 December 6, 2019 1:00-4:00pm at CASA AZAFRAN, in NASHVILLE $30 for 3 HOURS CLE THE PROGRAM WILL INCLUDE: 1:00 – 2:00 PM Pro Bono Work With Immigrant Youth: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, presented by Bethany Jackson 2:00 – 3:00 PM Nuts and Bolts of Asylum Law, presented […]


Avoiding Immigration Pitfalls

GET YOUR LAST MINUTE CLE CREDITS AND SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTER! Judge Pazar will present on common mistakes to avoid when practicing immigration law, especially as a new or pro bono attorney. AVOIDING IMMIGRATION PITFALLS DECEMBER 9TH 3:00-4:00PM AT THE MEMPHIS BAR ASSOC $30 FOR 1 HR CLE CREDIT To register or if you […]


Community Legal Center 101 Continuing Legal Education

Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law 1 N Front St., Memphis, TN, United States

Are you a legal professional needing 2 hours of CLE credit? Do you want to learn more about the CLC's work in Memphis? Join us to hear from our incredible panel as they discuss how the CLC is tangibly meeting the needs of our low-income neighbors. All registered attendees will earn 2 hours of dual Ethics and […]