Immigration Relief for Children: SJIS and Asylum Training

The program will consist of Emily Stotts presenting on the immigration court portion of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, William Gill presenting on the state court portion of SIJS, Valeria Gomez talking about children’s asylum law claims, and Lauren Prater talking about ethical issues and best practices when representing immigrant children and their parents.


Lunch & Learn

Join us for a FREE LUNCH and basic training for volunteer interpreters!

Banking on Justice

An in depth discussion of Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 bankruptcy followed by a panel on the legal and social impacts of bankruptcy.

Guardian Ad Litem Basics

The Community Legal Center presents: Becoming a Guardian. An intro to GAL law Join us at the MBA office on April 12th from 5pm-6pm $30 for 1hr general CLE credit Beth Bradley of Burch Porter & Johnson Pllc will be presenting. Wine and cheese provided. All proceeds benefit the CLC Payment can be made by credit card before the […]


Cocktails for a Cause

No speeches, no agenda. Just good folks coming together for a night of good fun to help those in need. A Good Time That Gives Back Friday, August 3rd, 5-7pm 1509 Peabody Avenue All Proceeds Benefit the Community Legal Center

Memphis: Taller de Asistencia de Ciudadania

¿Esta listo para tomar el proximo paso y convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense? TIRRC estará celebrando el Día de la Ciudadanía y rendirá homenaje a los Nuevos Estadounidenses de esta nacion! Estamos muy emocionados de anunciar que estaremos ofreciendo talleres legales en su ciudad para ayudar a residentes permanentes a solicitar su ciudadania. ¡LLAME AL 615-414-1030 […]


Memphis: Citizenship Assistance Workshop

Are you ready to take the next step and become a U.S citizen? TIRRC will be celebrating Citizenship Day and honor New Americans in this country! We are very excited to announce that we will be offering a legal workshop in your city to help permanent residents apply for their citizenship. Call 615-414-1030 Today To […]
